Well today, I guess, was his finest. Pappa wasn't letting him in. Mamma was no where to be found. And his cries for help were going unnoticed by the world. So he took a handful of rocks and launched them at the door. What happens when you normally launch rocks at a door. Well I would think just a scratched up door. But Oh no, Bubba must have weakened the glass from his previous bull runs that he does this to the door:
Now Bubba didn't create the hole. The glass started bowing out, so Techie Guy started to clean it up before I could get pictures. Like this one:
Yeah you did that Bubba. Nice Work!
How do you clean up bulging shards of glass.... SHOP VAC.... Gotta love the Shop Vac:

After the steam stopped rolling out of my ears, and my eyeballs returned to their proper place, I realized this was a perfect opportunity to practice my Macro shots. Might as well make that glass of lemonade half full right? So here they are:

and this one:

and this one (I love the glow of the sun on this one... Look at how thick the glass is.. that was one doosie of a rock!) :

Cool eh? Well I thought so. Unfortunately I could not capture the sound of constant cracking, or the picture of all those tiny lines being created. May you never have to hear the music of a broken. double-pane, sliding, glass door. (By the way only one of the panes broke.)
So remember, when your children decide to take on such projects like impaling your door with rocks, dunking their head in the toilet, smearing unmentionables all over their crib, or drawing picture on your doors with permanent markers (not that we have experience with those here). Take a deep breath and grab your camera. As you are shooting remember the future and all the times you can use those wonderful pictures as blackmail. Yeah punishment ain't enough here baby... I've got a camera!
Goodnight All!