Well this was actually a road by where we finally camped. This is actually the road that took us to a look out where we mistakenly decided to take another less travelled road trying to find... well we had no idea what we were trying to do. This is our less travelled road....

Now that I have been down this road I am thinking this picture should have given us a clue to why we should be using better judgement... but our baby was asleep and our adventurous sides were showing and we took the path straight on. We did not anticipate the ear piercing screaming of our seven year old (and the things that were coming out of her mouth in any other situation would have us rolling on the floor... but I digress), or the ruts that could have hidden a cow (OK i exaggerate a bit, but they were big), or the fact there was absolutely NO place to turn around. Well Princess K and I got out (the 2 scaredy cats of the group got out and went ahead to try to find a place to turn around while Techie Guy maneuvered our Chevy Uplander (yes we were attempting this adventure in a minivan) around boulders and ditches. After several attempts.. one leaving the van on two wheels... we did get the van turned around and made it back to safety.. I mean camp. And we thought our adventure had ended... well that was just the beginning. And it is here I will leave you till tomorrow where I can bore you with more details of our Camping adventures. I will leave you with this image of Princess K completely back to normal and calm. She nearly kissed our camping area when we parked the car. Poor thing.

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