Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This Day... How do I teach my children

This morning I got up and as usual unaware of what day it is... but how could I forget. I ventured over to one of my favorite blogs and dear Jessica at Trivium Academy had put up a reminder... this became my reminder and the begining of a long set of thoughts about This Day. I thought back to that day which seems just like a couple of months ago, what was I doing, what did I do that entire day, who did I talk to, who did I pray for, and now my heart weeps. I pray Dear LORD comfort those whose hearts are ripping right now as this anniversary is more than just a day of rememberance but a day in which they will feel their loss.

Little Dora sits here and sings and I am reminded of my grandparents (as she is singing about hers). How did they teach their little ones about the bombing of Pear Harbor. Since I did not know my grandparents, I do not know the answer. I am sure that they probably felt what we feel in this generation. I guess it is at this point you can either teach about hate or love. Teach about vengence or about prayer. I will teach of prayer. Praying for those mourning, pray for those defending our country (God Bless our Brave Soldiers!!!), pray for our leaders, pray for those that hate us so. And teach to look for the day that Jesus will soothe all our wounds and bring peace to those that follow him. Look up dear children because the answers abound from Heaven.

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